Monday, November 12, 2007

Kung Ph-u Ph-ighters!

So again, I had nothing to do this weekend besides study, study, study, and sleep. Well actually I had the last performance of Antigone on Saturday, a basketball game on Sunday, and a whole lotta TV watching throughout the whole weekend. At one point I saw this cool show called "Human Weapons". It was about all the different types of partial arts from around the world like karate, kung fu, jiu jitsu, and even savante and greek wrestling. What really interested me were the diagrams that showed how and why certain attacks did more damage. For instance, there was one called the "wrist bash" in Karate. It involved grabbing the opponent and swinging ones arm in a wide arc towards the opponent's neck and head. If hit in the right spot without any interference, all the energy built up by the swinging arm would possibly be enough to fracture their skull and even break their neck. One karate master demonstrated it by breaking a baseball bat with the move! Dang! Also, they showed a technique that involved using only one's fingers to break through boards. After training for several years to build up finger strength, all one has to do is do a punching motion, but not use a fist. Instead hold your hand almost like a gun, so that only a few fingers are extended out. This way at the point of impact, the force from the arm and strike will be focused onto a relatively small area, thereby increasing the force applied over that area. The same master was able to break through three wooden boards stacked on top of one another with just two fingers! Now that's strong!

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