Sunday, October 28, 2007

Toilet Chucking, the new olympic event?!

You'd be surprised at the types of stupid things that people do on TV. For instance, I was watching a TV show recently about really odd sports. I saw one sport where the guys basically tied ropes onto toilets and threw them like the track and field event the hammer throw. "Holy smokes!", I exclaimed when I saw them tossing toilets, "Circular motion, Centripetal force, and Projectile Motion?!" By swing the toilets in circular paths around them, they were able to build up force and speed until they reached a top...uhhh...rotating speed. Then, when released, the toilets flew into the air and broke into several hundred thousand pieces. One guy managed to throw the thing 31m! Not bad! If you've ever tried to lift up a whole toilet, you'd understand. I watched in awe at how simple, mindless, and just plain odd "sport" would have so much physics behind it. Well not really. I really just sat there and watched the stupidity of those people tossing perfectly good toilets and then spending about an hour afterwards cleaning it up. Some people just really have to find a better past time than chucking toilets. But who knows, they may be onto something....

or not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How was the initial speed of the toilet? How much work was done to throw it?